The Virgin Mary and the Saints
Why do Catholics worship Mary as though she were a goddess, when it is clear in Scripture that she was
not a supernatural being?
Catholics DO NOT worship Mary, the Mother of Christ--as though She
were a
deity. Of all the misconceptions about Catholic belief and practice, this one is the most absurd. Catholics are just as aware
as Protestants that Mary was a human creature, and therefore not entitled to the honors which are reserved
to God alone. What many non-Catholics mistake for adoration is a very
profound love and veneration, nothing more. Mary is not adored,
first because God forbids it, and secondly because the Canon Law of the
Catholic Church, which is based on Divine Law, forbids it. Canon Law 1255 of the 1918 Codex strictly forbids adoration of anyone other than the Holy Trinity. However, Catholics do feel that Mary is entitled to a great of exaltation because, in choosing Her as the Mother of Redemption, God Himself exalted Her--exalted Her more than any other human person before or since. Catholics heap tribute and honor on Mary
because they earnestly desire to be "followers of God, as most dear children." (Eph. 5:1). Mary
Herself prophesied: "For behold from henceforth all generations shall
call me blessed. Because He that is
mighty has done great things for me; and holy is His name." (Luke 1:48-49). Catholics know that every bit of the glory they give to Mary redounds to the glory of her divine Son, just as Mary magnified God, not herself, when Elizabeth blessed Her. (Luke 1:41-55). They know that the closer they draw to Her, the closer they draw to Him who was born of Her. In the year 434 St. Vincent of Lerins defended
Christian devotion to Mary this way: "Therefore, may God forbid that anyone should attempt to defraud
Holy Mary of Her privilege of divine grace and Her special glory. For by a unique favor of out Lord and God She is confessed to be the most true and most blessed Mother of God." Today 75% of all Christians still hold to the same view.
Why do Catholics pray to Mary and the saints when Sacred Scripture states that there is one Mediator
between God and man--Christ Jesus? (1 Tim. 2:5).
When Catholics pray to Mary and the other saints in Heaven they are not bypassing Christ, whom they acknowledge as the sole Mediator between God and man. They are going to Christ through Mary and the other saints. They are asking Mary and other saints to intercede for them before the throne
of Christ in Heaven. "For the continual prayer of a just man availeth much." (James 5:16). How much more availing is the unceasing prayer of the sinless Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ! St. Paul asked
his fellow Christians to intercede for him: "Brethren pray for us." (2 Thess. 3:1). And again: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the charity of the Holy Ghost, that
you help me in your prayers for me to God..." (Rom. 15:30). Christ must particularly approve of our
going to Him through Mary, His Blessed Mother, because he chose to come to us through her. And at Cana,
He performed His first miracle after a word from His Mother. (John 2:2-11).
It is clear in Sacred Scripture that the saints in Heaven will intercede for us before the throne of Christ if they are petitioned in prayer (Apoc. or Rev. 8:3-4), and it is clear in the records of primitive
Christianity that the first Christians eagerly sought their intercession. Wrote St. John Chrysostom in the
fourth century: "When thou perceivest that God is chastening thee, fly not to His enemies, but to His friends, the martyrs, the saints, and those who are pleasing to Him, and who have great power." If the saints have such power with God, how much more His own Mother.
Is there any evidence in Scripture that Mary was indeed never actually subject to original sin?
Yes. In Gen 3:15, God said to Satan, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman...thou shalt lie in wait for her heel." The radical enmity between Satan and that second Eve, the Mother of Christ, forbids her having been under thedominion of Satan,
as she would have been had she ever contracted original sin in actual fact. In Luke 1:28, we read how the Angel was sent by God to salute Mary with
these words, "Hail, full of grace." Grace excludes sin, and had there been any sin at all in Mary she could not
have been declared filled with grace. The Protestant version translates the phrase as "thou hast been
highly favored." But the Greek certainly implies "completely filled with holiness." However, complaints that
our doctrine exempts Mary from the contracting of original sin are becoming more and more rare in a world
which is tending to deny sin altogether, and which wishes to exempt everybody from it.
Why call Mary a virgin? Seeing that she was a mother, the linking of the two terms
is an insult to reason.
The assertion that an omnipotent God is limited by the natural laws, which He
Himself established, is an insult to reason. Jesus, the child of Mary, was conceived
miraculously without the intervention of any human father, and was born miraculously,
Mary's virginity being preserved throughout. I do not claim that any natural laws were
responsible for this event. I claim that God was responsible, and the only way you can show
that the doctrine is not reasonable is by proving that there is no God, or that He could
not do what Catholic doctrine asserts.
Where does it say in Scripture that Mary was ever a virgin?
Isaiah the prophet (7:14) certainly predicted a supernatural and extraordinary birth of
the Messiah when he wrote, "The Lord Himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall
conceive and bear a son; and his name shall be called Emmanuel." St. Luke says, "The angel
Gabriel was sent from a virgin...and the virgin's name was Mary." When Mary was
offered the dignity of becoming the mother of the Messiah, a privilege to which any Jewish
maiden would ordinarily look forward with eager desire, She urged against the prospect the
fact that She had no intention of motherhood. "How shall this be done, because I know
not man." She does not refer to the past, but by using the present tense indicates her
present and persevering intention. The angel assured Her that Her child would be due to the
miraculous operation of the Holy Spirit, and that She would not be asked to forfeit the
virginity She prized so highly, and then only did She consent.(Luke 1:26-38.) When
Jesus was born, Mary had none of the suffering usually associated with childbirth. The child
was born miraculously. Mary Herself in no way incapacitated. She Herself attended to
Her own needs and those of the child. "She brought forth her first-born son, and
wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger." (Luke 2:7.) The Virgin
Birth means that Mary had at one and the same time the privilege of Motherhood and the
privilege of Maidenhood.
Didn't Mary have other children? Matt.13:55-56 says, "His brethren James and Joseph, and Simon
and Jude: and his sisters, are they not all with us?" Protestants everywhere believe this.
The Jewish expression "brothers and sisters of the Lord" in Scripture merely refers to relationship
in the same tribe or stock. Cousins often come under that title. In all nations the word brother has
a wide significance, as many a fraternal group's members will call each other a brother without
suggesting that he was born of the same biological mother. The same St. Matthew speaks explicitly of
"Mary, the mother of James and Joseph" in 27:56, obviously alluding to a Mary who was not the mother of
Jesus but who was married to Cleophas, the brother of Joseph. Protestants embrace this false belief because
they are not inspired by love of Christ, or for the M7other of Christ, or for Scripture in their doctrine.
Their main desire is to maintain a doctrine differing from that of the Catholic Church. But it is a
position which is rapidly going out of fashion. Learned Protestant scholars today deny as emphatically
as any Catholic that Mary had other children. When Our Lord, dying on the cross, commended His Mother to the
care of St. John, He did so precisely because He was Her only Child, and He knew that Mary had no other
children to care for Her. The idea that Mary had other children is disrespectful to the Holy Spirit who
claimed and sanctified Her as His sanctuary. It insults Christ, who was the only-begotten of His Mother even as
He was the only-begotten of His Heavenly Father. It insults Mary, who would have been guilty of a great
ingratitude to God, if She threw away the gift of virginity which God had so carefully preserved for Her in
the conception of Christ. It insults St. Joseph. God had told him by an angel to take Mary to wife, and that the
Child to be born of Her had no earthly father but was the very Son of God. God merely gave St. Joseph the
privilege of protecting Her good name amongst the undiscerning Jews, and He chose a God-fearing man who
would respect her. Knowing that Her Child was God Himself in human form, Joseph would at once regard Her as on a
plane far superior to that of any ordinary human being, and to him, as to us, the mere thought of Her
becoming a mother to merely earthly children would have seemed a sacrilege.
What is the Rosary and why do Catholics repeat the same prayer over and over again
when they pray it? Is this not the vain repetition condemned by Christ in Matt. 6:7?
The Rosary is a special form of devotion to Mary. It is a string of beads by which the Our Father, the
Hail Mary, and the Glory Be are prayed and is divided into different sections (mysteries). Catholics DO NOT
just repeat the same prayer over and over again when they pray the Rosary. The Rosary is a progression of
many prayers such as those mentioned--the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Gloria, the Hail Mary and the
Salve Regina--and these prayers are accompanied by many holy meditations. As the Rosary progresses, Catholic
meditate on the joyful, the sorrowful, and the glorious mysteries of the life of Christ and His Mother. True,
the Hail Mary is repeated many times during the course of the Rosary--the entire Rosary consists of 150 Hail Marys
to commemorate the 150 psalms of the Old Testament--and some of the other prayers are repeated
several times, but this is not "vain" repetition, certainly not the repetition condemned by Our Lord. The vain
repetition He condemned is that of people who pray standing "in the corners of the streets, that they may be
seen by men."
No prayer is vain, no matter how often repeated, if it is sincere, for Christ Himself engaged in repetitious
prayer in the Garden of Gethsemani ("...he went again: and he prayed the third time, saying the selfsame word"
--Matt. 26:39, 42, 44), and we are informed in the Apocalypse (Revelations) 4:8 that the
angels in Heaven never cease repeating, night and day, the canticle: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who
was, and who is, and who is to come." The publican humbly repeated the prayer: "O God, be merciful to me, a sinner,"
and he went away justified; whereas the pharisee went home unjustified after his long-winded extemporaneous
prayer (Luke 18:9-14). God was likewise pleased with the repetitious prayer of the three young men in the
fiery furnace, whom He preserved miraculously untouched by flames (Dan 3:52-90). Protestants also engage in
repetitious prayer: the same prayers at mealtime grace, the same prayers at their services, etc. The time lapse is
factor; it is still repetitious.
Why are Catholic Churches and homes decorated with images and statues, in direct violation of the the Second
Commandment? And why do Catholics pray to statues?
The Second Commandment is, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Protestants, of course,
call that the Third Commandment. But they are wrong in doing so, having taken that part of the First commandment
which refers to images as the second of God's Commandments. But do those words forbid the making of images?
They do not. God was forbidding idolatry, not the making of images. He said, "Thou shalt not make to thyself any
graven image of anything in the Heaven above, or in the earth beneath. Thou shalt not bow down to them
nor worship them." God deliberately adds those last words, yet Protestants ignore them. He forbids men to
make images in order to adore them. But He does not forbid the making of images. You will find the commandments
given in Exodus 20. But in the same Book, 25:18, you will find God ordering the Jews to make images of Angels!
Would you accuse God of not knowing the sense of His own law? He says, "Thou shalt make also two cherubims
of beaten gold, on the two sides of the oracle." In other words, the Jews were to make images of things in the Heaven
above. And if the Protestants' interpretation is true, why do they violate God's law by making images of generals and
politicians in our parks? Why photographs of friends and relatives? On this account, it would even be unlawful
to take a picture of a tree--you would be making an image of a thing in the earth beneath. No, God does not forbid the
making of images; He forbids the making of images in order to adore them.
Catholics DO NOT pray to statues. You have seen Catholics kneeling at prayer, and perhaps kneeling before an image of
Christ, or of Our Lady. But if you concluded that they were praying to the statues that was not the fault the
Catholics. It was your own fault in so far as you judged them according to your own preconceived ideas. Before an image
of Mary, Catholics may go on their knees and pray to God through the intercession of that Mother of Christ whom the
statue represents. But you are wrong to accuse them of praying to the statue. Were you kneel down by your
bedside at night for a last prayer, could you be regarded as adoring or praying to your mattress?
A Catholic reverences images and statues only in so far as they remind him of God, of Christ, or of Our Lady
and the Saints. If someone kisses a photograph of his mother, he does not honor the piece of developing paper but offers a
tribute of love and respect to his mother. A Catholic kisses the cross not because it is a piece of wood or metal, but
because it stands for Christ and His sufferings on my behalf.
Why pray to Saints? Is it not better to pray to God direct?
Not always. The same answer applies here as in the case of prayers to the Virgin Mary,
who after all is the greatest of the Saints. God may wish to give certain favors through
the intercession of some given Saint. In such a case, it is better to seek the intercession
of that Saint as God wishes. I can decide to give you a gift myself, or to do so through a
friend. In the latter case you do me a great honor by accepting it from my friend than by
refusing my way of giving it to you, and insolently demanding it directly from myself in
Excerpted from "The Catholic Church has the Answer." by P. Whitcombe